I have organised several international workshops and conferences in European philosophy, evironmental humanities and art. Most of them have been generously supported by various institutions and foundations.
Co-organizer of an international conference in philosophy of ecology & technology
Cohabitability: Technologies and Ecologies of Living on Earth (organized with Mark Coeckelbergh and Petr Urban), keynotes: Noortje Marres, Jussi Parikka, Joanna Żylińska, Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P), 8-10 October 2025. Call for papers, Call for papers at the CETE-P website
Co-organizer of an international workshop in political philosophy
Politics of Counter Catastrophe. Reconfiguring Freedom for the Future, Workshop with Wendy Brown and Eva von Redecker (organized with Jan Bierhanzl), CETE-P, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 23 May 2025 (co-funded by the Czech-German Zukunfsfond), Call for papers at the CETE-P website, Call for papers as a pdf
Co-organizer of an international conference in environmental ethics
Rethinking Wild Europe:
European Perspectives on Wilderness, Rewilding and Biodiversity Conservation, Joint Conference of the International Society for Environmental Ethics (ISEE) and the Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P) (organized with Leonie Bossert, Linde De Vroey and Petr Urban), keynotes: Monica Vasile and Martin Drenthen, University of Vienna, Austria, 7-8 February 2025, - Call for papers, Poster
Co-organizer of a workshop in posthumanities and new materialisms
Posthuman Earth. Feminist and Critical Posthuman Approaches to Climate Change (organized with Monika Rogowska-Stangret and Petr Urban), Center for Environment and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P), Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 16 January 2025.
Co-organizer of an international conference in environmental humanities
Earth Sensations: Affects, Sensibilities and Attachments in an Era of Climate Change (organized with Tobias Skiveren), keynotes: Jane Bennett, Alexis Shotwell, Nicole Seymour; Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Denmark, 13-14 October 2022 (funded by the Carlsberg Foundation, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies & Aarhus University) - Call for papers
Co-organizer of an international conference in contemporary French philosophy (organising committee)
13th Annual Deleuze & Guattari Conference: Territorialities, Exterritorialities, Non-Territorialities (with Petr Kouba), keynotes: Etienne Balibar, Barbara Glowczewski and Eric Alliez, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, 5-7 July 2021 (online with almost 200 speakers)
Co-organizer of a workshop on interdisciplinary research
The Role of Research in Modern Society: Driven by Mission or by Curiosity? (with Peter Andersen), Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark, 24-25 June 2021
Co-organizer of an interdisciplinary workshop in French and German philosophy
Accueil, hospitalité, espace(s) politiques. Atelier transversal franco-allemand [Welcoming, hospitality, political spaces. French-German interdisciplinary workshop] (with Claire Mélot and Sara Minelli), Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, Germany, 25 October 2019
Principal organizer of a focus group on speculative design (academic and non-academic)
Speculative Design and its Wider Application, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick, UK, 14 May 2019
Co-organizer of an interdisciplinary workshop in design
Designing Fictions: A Philosophical and Architectural Perspectives on Speculative Practices (with Krzysztof Nawratek), School of Architecture, University of Sheffield, UK, 18 February 2019
Principal organizer of an international conference in posthumanities
Nonhumans and Politics. International Conference on Non-Anthropocentric Perspectives on Politics, Hosted and funded by Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie Hannover, Germany, 22-23 January 2016
Co-organizer of an international workshop in social movements
Anarchism and Technê. Techniques and Technologies of Transformative Practices, Institut für Protest- und Bewegungsforschung [Research Institute for Protest and Social Movements] (with Almut Woller), Zentrum für Technik und Wissenschaft, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, 12 July 2015