I am Research Team Leader at the Center for Environmental and Technology Ethics - Prague (CETE-P) and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Previously, I was Assistant Professor and EU Maria Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Fellow at Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (Denmark) and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Warwick (UK). As Gates Scholar, I completed my PhD in French Studies at the University of Cambridge.
Research profile
My work concentrates on twentieth- and twenty-first-century European philosophy, feminist philosophy, political philosophy and environmental philosophy.
At the heart of my research lies the question of social transformation: How can we conceptualize and engage in politics that is relevant for the 21st century? In my first book, Theorizing Contemporary Anarchism. Solidarity, Mimesis and Radical Social Change (Bloomsbury, 2017), I propose a theoretical framework that accounts for plural political practices in contemporary left-wing activism: collective housing projects, cooperative farms, autonomous zones. In my current research project, I focus on how politics is transformed in light of climate change. In my work, I articulate politics for more-than-human worlds, in which questions of collective solidarity and alternative socio-political practices play an important part. By engaging with thinkers within broadly considered posthumanities, political ecology and environmental philosophy, I trace a series of transformations that are taking place in philosophy, political practices, art and in our cognitive maps of the world in response to the climate change.
I am particularly interested in the works of Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers, Vinciane Despret, Peter Sloterdijk, Michel Serres, Alain Badiou, Jacques Rancière, Judith Butler, René Girard and Gilbert Simondon as well as ecofeminist contributions to conceptualizing ‘nonhuman politics’.
Research expertise
- Continental philosophy
- Environmental philosophy
- Feminist philosophy
- Political and social philosophy
- Literary and critical theory
- Posthumanism
- Anarchism
Current book project
My second book (in progress) deals with the question of how to think politics and nonhumans together in the context of ecological crisis. It interrogates the political implications of recent posthuman theories (broadly considered) and its radical shift to nonhuman factors. The project’s central contribution is its emphasis on political practice. Whereas much of contemporary scholarship on nonhuman politics focuses on a comprehensive reconsideration of the term ‘politics’, my research addresses the concrete political action that follows from such theoretical reformulations.
- Ph.D. French Studies, University of Cambridge, Trinity Hall, UK, 2014
- M.Phil. European Literature and Culture (First Class), University of Cambridge, 2009
- B.A. Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (with distinction), Art History (minor), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany, 2008
Professional experience
- Assistant Professor, EU Maria Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND II, Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark (2019–2022)
- Early Career Innovation Fellow, Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick, UK (2018–2019)
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, French Studies, University of Warwick, UK (2015–2018)
Polish (native), English (fluent), German (fluent), French (fluent), Danish (advanced, C1 | Studieprøven), Russian (upper intermediate, B2), Czech (intermediate, B1)
Funding and awards (selected)
- The International Visegrad Fund Grant, Czech Republic (2025)
- The Carlsberg Foundation Conference Grant, Denmark (2022)
- EU Maria Skłodowska-Curie Actions COFUND Fellowship, Aarhus University, Denmark (2019–2022)
- Early Career Innovation Fellowship Award, IAS, University of Warwick, UK (2018–2019)
- Creative Exchange Impact Grant, Universities of Warwick & Coventry, UK (2018)
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Warwick, UK (2015–2018)
- Full PhD Funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Cambridge Trust, UK (2010–2014)
- Scholarship, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Germany (2010)
- Scholarship Studienkolleg zu Berlin, Germany (2009–2010)
Visiting research fellowships
- Forum Basiliense, Basel University, Switzerland (Senior Fellowship, June-July 2025)
- Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Guest Lectureship, July 2024)
- Centre Marc Bloch Berlin, Germany (2018–2019)
- Aarhus University, Denmark (Posthuman Aesthetics research group) (2016)
- Hannover Institute for Philosophical Research, Germany (2015–2016)
Editorial Boards
- Member of the Global Young Academy (2019–2024)